With 407 marathons in his career Sivabalan Pandian has amazed many with his will-power and confidence. Here is an extensive list of all his runs and achievements
S.No | Year | Name of Marathon | BIB | Date | Place | Country | Continent | Distance Covered | Finishing Time | Website - 1 |
1 | 2013 | Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon | 649 | 20-01-2013 | Mumbai | India | Asia | 42.195 | 05:46:12 | http://scmm.procamrunning.in/race-categories/marathon/info |
2 | 2013 | Greater Manchester Marathon | 12117 | 28-04-2013 | Manchester | Uk | Europe | 42.195 | 06:36:05 | http://www.greatermanchestermarathon.com/ |
3 | 2013 | Airtel Hyderabad Marathon | 1513 | 25-08-2013 | Hyderabad | India | Asia | 42.195 | 06:46:42 | http://www.marathonhyderabad.com/ |
4 | 2013 | Bank of America Chicago Marathon | 52377 | 13-10-2013 | Chicago | USA | North America | 42.195 | 06:29:36 | https://www.chicagomarathon.com |
5 | 2014 | Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon | 3226 | 19-01-2014 | Mumbai | India | Asia | 42.195 | 06:21:41 | http://scmm.procamrunning.in/race-categories/marathon/info |
6 | 2014 | Schneider Electric Marathon De Paris | 59740 | 06-04-2014 | Paris | France | Europe | 42.195 | 06:04:46 | https://www.schneiderelectricparismarathon.com/fr |
7 | 2014 | Rio De Janeiro City Marathon | 1075 | 27-07-2014 | Rio De Janeiro | Brazil | South America | 42.195 | 06:23:22 | http://maratonadorio.com.br/en |
8 | 2014 | Blackmore Sydney Marathon | 16301 | 21-09-2014 | Sydney | Australia | Australia | 42.195 | 05:54:31 | http://www.sydneyrunningfestival.com.au |
9 | 2014 | Spice Coast Kochi Marathon | 4119 | 16-11-2014 | Kochi | India | Asia | 42.195 | 07:14:57 | http://spicecoastmarathon.com |
10 | 2014 | The Wipro Chennai Marathon | F827 | 07-12-2014 | Chennai | India | Asia | 42.195 | 06:24:48 | http://thewiprochennaimarathon.com |